Tuesday, April 10, 2012

All Right, I'll Do It!

Continuing in the high tech mode, I’m finally giving in.  After much consternation, lost sleep, internal debate, research, and just plain stubbornness, I am going to join both Facebook and Twitter.

I would probably have done so sooner, but on SNL some months ago, show host Betty White talked about Facebook and declared it “an enormous waste of time.”  I believe her to be correct in the sense that it would be soooo easy to spend most of your precious day glued to both Facebook and Twitter.  I guess I just couldn’t see squandering vast amounts of glorious sunlight checking to see who was doing what….to whom….and why….and so on……  There’s just so much to do in life, that to spend so much time at one activity, to the exclusion of all other possibilities, well, it borders on irresponsible.

But, ultimately, I guess it boiled down to - how can 850 MILLION people (Facebook), or 350+ MILLION people (Twitter) be wrong!

I do not intend to devote much time to perusing either media.  I am probably totally wrong, but I just can’t see myself saying to anyone in general:  I’m at the podiatrist office …. with 2 feet.  But maybe I will.  There is nothing so unconvincing as a person swearing they will NEVER do this, or that.  In fact, I’ll probably end up telling the world when I go to bed every night.  But we’ll see.

In a sense, I’m also doing this to provide an assist to the blog, although at first anyway, I’m not going to link either to the blog directly.  I’m still shy about sharing too much personal stuff with so many people.  Overthink?  Probably.  But I listen intently to all those who rail against posting something that one day could haunt. Those concerns seem directed mostly to people who will be searching for jobs in the future.  In that case, I could care less! And an FBI person I know shudders at the thought of people putting up a billboard of their personal lives right next to the busiest superhighway in the world.  He feels it is a blessing and a gift to every nefarious character with a computer.  But on a road with 850 MILLLION (or even 350 MILLION) people, who’s going to find me anyway?  Or care?

So, off we go.  It should be fun?  In any case, I’ll definitely learn some new stuff, and maybe even make a friend or two, or three……

Tweet alert:  I’m typing a blog, with no other!

Mark Twain Quote:  “…we do not deal much in fact when we are contemplating ourselves.”

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