Friday, February 17, 2012

Oh The Games People Play Now

“Na-na-na-na-na-na!  Are too!  Are not!  You do!  No, you do! Oh yeah, says who?  Me, that’s who!”

Some things happen in life that make you feel better about yourself, even as they assault your sensibilities.

One such case in point involves Her High Honor Mayor Miner and the larger than whatever District Attorney of Onondaga County, Mr. William Fitzpatrick, Esq.

Every now and then I get into a behavioral snit (don’t we all) and think to myself:  how, at my age, can I act so petulantly.  But I do, and it conjures up remembrances of how we used to handle some situations….as children.  Oh, I must have learned that lesson 1,000 times over I think, only to succumb to the siren call of my imperfect youth.  And I feel all sorry and contrite once it has run its course (which is never long, thank God) and I am returned to “normal.”

So, it is amusing at first when I see two mature, obviously intelligent, accomplished beyond my pay grade, respected leaders of our beloved community – literally have at it with each other.  And they chose to do it right in front of us all!  Guns blazing, they aired their personal and professional laundry in the public square.  And yes, I couldn’t wait to hear the details.

I listened as Joe Galuski talked with Mr. Fitzpatrick one day, and Ms. Miner the following day, on his morning radio program, right at the height of the rush hour. Thousands of people heard those two use children’s logic and reasoning to explain away an incident that deserved nothing more than molehill status, yet had assumed the size of a small mountain.

And all of us, I’m sure, had a laugh or two before we sadly shook our heads and perhaps decided who we believed more.  In my opinion, they both failed the “I’m right” test. 

My take away from this was comforting, yet disturbing. Why, I thought to myself, I’m not so deficient after all….if those two “distinguished” people can act like that, given their respective positions in our community, then surely my little behavioral shortcomings are in good company.  We’re all human and subject to the same frailties. 

But I’m in a much different place than they, for in their esteemed position as leaders is placed a higher standard of adult behavior.  What they do and how they conduct themselves affects us all, and it is not outside the realm of possibility that one day, they may indeed have another “spat” that will have dire and significant consequences for our city and county. 

They both deserve a “time out.”  C’mon kids, kiss and make up.  For our sake.

Mark Twain Quote:  “I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning….politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.”

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